Brother Andry Ramavozatov Oulianov, actual Madagascar Field President, was ordained as Pastor on December 23, 2023, by Pastor Alfred Ngwenya, Vice President of African Division, Sister Miora Poussa, Madagascar Field Secretary, announced yesterday, on January 30, 2024. Earlier, a Christian conference was held in Madagascar‘s largest and capital city Antananarivo from August 30, 2023, to September 3, 2023, Sister Miora Poussa added.
Pastor Daniel Valverde from South America who worked in Madagascar together with his family from 2002 to 2010 was the pioneer of God‘s work in this country. Lately, the work of our Lord Jesus Christ in Madagascar was supported by Pastor Elijah Zwane, actual General Conference Second Secretary, who worked in that country together with his family for some years.
Madagascar, officially the Republic of Madagascar, an island country lying off southeastern coast of Africa, is, with its territory of 592,796 km², the world‘s fourth largest island country and the 44th largest country in the world. Madagascar, whose population reached last year almost 29 million inhabitants, was added to France in 1897 and achieved its independence in 1960.
Pastor Alfred Ngwenya among young people in Colombia, South America; a photo from the personal archive of Pastor Alfred Ngwenya on Facebook.
Written by Margarit Zhekov